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VIRTUAL -Understanding Mortgage Rates, The Federal Reserve & Economic Data

October 9 @ 10:00 am - 1:00 pm EDT
In depth exploration of mortgage rates with Jay Alexander. GREC 77665

Understanding Mortgage Rates, The Federal Reserve & Economic Data

GREC # 77665 through Real Estate Academy of America, GREC School #6915


Presented by Jay Alexander with North Star Lending

ZOOM Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAuc-6qpzgiHdII3uehfINbIn-YaFy39lkw

This three-hour Continuing Education class provides an in-depth exploration of mortgage rates, their connection with economic news, and the critical role of the Federal Reserve in shaping these rates. The course is designed for real estate professionals seeking to deepen their understanding of financial factors that impact the real estate market and use that knowledge to educate clients.

Jay Alexander
Mortgage Loan Originator Email: jay.alexander@northstarlending.com

For Questions on registration contact: Heidi Kelly CE@RealEstateAcademyofAmerica.com 770 919-8825 ext 306

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